Purchase Articles from Volume 16 to 20

Volume 16: 2002

R.W. BURGESS, Jerome Explained: An Introduction to his Chronicle and a Guide to its Use, (1-32).

VINCENT ROSIVACH, Zeugitai and Hoplites, (33-43).

BRIAN K. HARVEY, The Dies Imperii of Nerva, (44-56).

WALDEMAR HECKEL, The Case of the Missing Phrourarch: Arrian 3.16.6-9, (57-60).

JAMES DEVOTO, The Athenian Retreat from Syracuse, (61-69).

Holger Koch, reviewing H. Beck and U. Walter (eds), Die Frühen Römischen Historiker I: Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius,(70-74).

LORETANA DE LIBERO, Dem Schicksal Trotzen. Behinderten Aristokraten in Rom, (75-93).

COLIN ROBERSTON, Wounds and Wounding in the Iliad, (103-110).

LIONEL SCOTT, Miltiades’ Expedition to Paros and “Other Islands?” (111-126).

GEOFFREY TULLY, The Vexillarii in Pseudo-Hyginus’ De Munitionibus Castrorum and Some Observations on the Strengths and Structure of Legionary Vexillations, (127-134).

ZINON PAFAKONSTANTINOU, Written Law, Literacy and Social Conflict in Archaic and Classical Crete, (135-150).

ROBERT LUGINBILL, Paragraph 3.84 and Thucydides’ History, (151-174).

LUIGI PEDRONI, Personal Celebration on Roman Republican Coinage: The case of C. Publicius Malleolus (175-181).

RICHARD B. STOTHERS, ‘The Case for an Eruption of Vesuvius in 217 BC, (182-185).


Volume 17: 2003

JAMES J. STEWART, Some Connections between the Speech of Calgacus and the Laus Caesaris, (1-4).

ALTAY COŞKUN, Die Ämterlaufbahn des Pannioners Maximus und die Chronologie der ʻRömischen Prozesseʼ unter Kaiser Valentinian I (Amm. 28, 1), (5-16).

STEPHEN BRUNET, Dwarf Athletes in the Roman Empire, (17-32).

PIERRE BRIANT, New Trends in Achaemenid History, (33-47).

JOSÉ LUIS MENÉNDEZ VARELA, Griegos e indígenas en la colonización de occidente: algunas reflexiones sobre la afirmación de la polis en los nuevos territorios, (48-84).

PHILIP A. HARLAND, Imperial Cults within local cultural life: Associations in Roman Asia, (85-107).

NIC FIELDS, Dexileos of Thorikos: A Brief Life, (108-126).

FRANCISCO MURARI PIRES, Thucydide et l’assemblée sur Pylos (IV.26-28) : rhétorique de la méthode, figure de l’autorité et détours de la mémoire, (127-148).

GORDON S. SHRIMPTON, Herodotus’ Intellectual Context – a Review Article, (149-157).

J.C. YARDLEY, Bark and Leaf-eating in Petelia (Livy 23.30.3), (158).

MARK E. VESLEY, Father-son relations in Roman Declamation, (159-180).

JASON WARREN, Beyond Emotion: The Epidamnian Affair and Corinthian Policy, 480-421 BC, (181-194).

MARIO J.A. BARTOLINI, Les causes du changement de la grande stratégie romaine de défense périphérique à la défense en profondeur au IIIe siècle, (195-212).

Review Article:

B. Jordan reviewing R. Mellor and L.A. Tritle (eds.), Text and Tradition (213-218).

Volume 18: 2004

ELISABETTA PODDIGHE, Atene le lotte tra i diadochi nell’anno dell’arconte Archippo II (318/7 a.C.), (1-24). 

BORIMIR JORDAN, Supreme Command in the Athenian Board of Generals, (25-47).

DARRYL A. PHILLIPS, Voter Turnout in Consular Elections, (48-60).

NANCY DEMAND, Models in Greek History and the Question of the Origins of the Polis, (61-86).

RICHARD B. STOTHERS, Earthquake Prediction in Antiquity, (101-108).

MICHAEL B. CHARLES, Mattiobarbuli in Vehetius’ Epitoma Rei Militrais: The Iouiani and the Herculiani, (109-121).

WILLIAM HUTTON, Asine: A Lost City of Lakonia? (122-144).

Volume 19: 2005

ALEXANDER K. NEFEDKIN, On Typical Tactics of Oriental Chariot Battle, (1-14).


LEONE PORCIANI, Thucydides 2.65.5 καὶ ἐν τούτωι προγνοὺς τὴν δύναμιν: Pericles’ and Thucydides’ pronoia, (15-19).

DAVID ROHRBACHER, Ammianus Marcellinus and Valerius Maximus, (20-30).

ANISE K. STRONG, Incest Laws and Absent Taboos in Roman Egypt, (31-41).

PAULINE RIPAT, The Search for Textbooks, (42-46).

GORDON SHRIMPTON, Brill’s Herodotus, (47-58).

T.P. WISEMAN, Octavia and the Phantom Genre, (59-69).

KATHERINE STOTT, “Book-Find Reports” in Antiquity, (106-130).

J. MUÑIZ COELLO, César y eisphora de Asia (Bellum Civile, III.32), (131-154).

ANDREW CHUGG, The Journal of Alexander the Great, (155-175).

HERBERT W. BENARIO, Females in Germanicus’ Triumph, (176-180).

MICHAEL P. FRONDA, Cultural Politics, (181-187).

PHYLLIS CULHAM, Legitimacy and Law in the Roman World, (188-192).

MARK JOYAL, Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity, (193-197).

Volume 20: 2006

EDWARD M. ANSON, Dating the Deaths of Eumenes and Olympias, (1-8).

DAWN GILLEY, Alexander and the Carmanian March of 324 BC, (9-14).

JAMES DEVOTO, Politics and Philosophy at the Court of the Dionysioi, (15-29).

T. DAVINA MCCLAIN, Laughter in Livy, (31-49).

SANDRA BINGHAM AND KATHRYN SIMONSEN, A Brave New World? The Ship-in-Circus Coins of Septimius Severus Revisited, (51-60).

CHARLES TESORIERO, The Brilliant Young Man of the Laus Pisonis, (61-82).

STEVEN L. TUCK, An Instrument of Imperial Ideology? Names of Ships in the Roman Fleet, (83-95).

FRANK L. VATAI, A.R. Burn: A Muscular Hellenist, (97-114).

SERENA CONNOLLY, Roman Ransomers, (115-131).


FRANK RUSSELL reviewing:  LENDON, J.E  Soldiers and Ghosts.  A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity (133-134).