Online Reviews, Vol. 11

Andrea F. Gatzke reviewing Felipe Rojas, The Pasts of Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons (1-4)

Nathanael Andrade reviewing Richard Stoneman The Greek Experience of India: from Alexander to the Indo-Greeks (5-8)

Jeffrey Rop reviewing Sean Manning, Armed Force in the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire: Past Approaches, Future Prospects (11-13)

Lisa Cooper reviewing Eric Cline, Digging Up Armageddon: the search for the lost city of Solomon (14-16)

Jaclyn Neel reviewing Ziolkowski, Adam. From Roma Quadrata to La grande Roma dei Tarquini: A Study of the Literary Tradition on Rome’s Territorial Growth under the Kings (17-20)

JuliAnne Rach reviewing Daniel Ogden, The Werewolf in the Ancient World (21-23)

Mara Horowitz reviewing Dalit Regev, Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician. On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-nets (24-27)

David Pettegrew reviewing Mark Humphries, Cities and the Meanings of Late Antiquity (28-30)

Graham Wrightson reviewing John Walsh and Elizabeth Baynham (eds.), Alexander the Great and Propaganda (31-35)

Gillian Ramsey reviewing Christopher de Lisle, Agathokles of Syracuse: Sicilian Tyrant and Hellenistic King (36-38)

François Gauthier reviewing Gabriel Baker, Spare No One. Mass Violence in Roman Warfare (39-41)

Colin Bailey reviewing Daniel Leon, Arrian the Historian. Writing the Greek Past in the Roman Empire (42-44)

Michael Taylor reviewing Elizabeth H. Pearson, Exploring the Mid-Republican Origins of Roman Military Administration. With Stylus and Spear (45-47)

Nikolaus Overtoom reviewing Uwe Ellerbrock, The Parthians: The Forgotten Empire (48-50)

David Alan Parnell reviewing Judith Herrin, Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe (51-53)

John Vanderspoel reviewing Peter Edwell, Rome and Persia at War. Imperial Competition and Contact, 193–363 (54-57)

Conor Whately reviewing Łukasz Różycki, Battlefield Emotions in Late Antiquity: A Study of Fear and Motivation in Roman Military Treatises (58-60)