Purchase Articles from Volume 11 to 15

Volume 11: 1997

BRIGGS L. TWYMAN, Metus Gallicus. The Celts and Roman Human Sacrifice, (1-11). 

W. JEFFREY TATUM, The Lex Papiria de Dedicationibus. A Clarification, (12). 

DAVID MIRHADY, The Ritual Background to Athenian Ostracism, (13-19). 

N.G.L. HAMMOND, Arrian’s Mentions of Infantry Guards, (20-24).

M. JAMES MOSCOVICH, Cassius Dio on the Death of Sophonisba, (25-29). 

DIANE HARRIS-CLINE, A Question of Standards: Metrology and the Parthenon Treasures, (30-36). 

C. FORNIS and J.-M. CASILLAS, An Appreciation of the Social Function of the Spartan Syssitia, (37-46). 

A. B. BOSWORTH, A Cut too Many? Occam’s Razor and Alexander’s Footguard, (47-56). 

JOHN E. THORBURN JR., Sallust and the Grappling Irons at Cyzicus, (57-60). 

F. X. RYAN, The Moment of the Trial of P. Sulla in 62, (61-62). 

PHILIP C. HAMMOND, A City and a People- Lost and Found, (63-87). 

F. X. RYAN, The Birth-Dates of Domitius and Scipo, (88-93). 

DONALD KYLE, Rethinking the Roman Arena: Gladiators. Sorrows, and Games – A Review Article, (94-97). 

A.C. BERTRAND, Stumbling through Gaul: Maps, Intelligence and Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum, (107-122). 

LAWRENCE A. TRITLE, Hector’s Body: Mutilation in Ancient Greece and Vietnam, (123-136). 


Volume 12: 1998

R. STORCH, The Archaic Greek Phalanx, 750-650 B.C., (1-7). 

JAMES M. SCOTT, The Rhetoric of Suppressed Speech: Tacitus’ omission of direct discourse in his Annals as a technique in character denigration, (8-18). 

A. H. MAMOOJEE, Cicero’s Choice of a Deputy in Cilicia: The Quintus Option, (19-28). 

IOLO DAVIES (tr.), Alexander’s Itinerary, (29-54). 

BRUCE LAFORSE, Xenophon, Callicratidas and Panhellenism, (55-66). 

GORDON SHRIMPTON, Accuracy in Thucydides, (71-82). 

SHEILA AGER, Thera and the Pirates: an ancient case of the Stockholm syndrome, (83-95). 

GEORGE PESELY, The Date of Thrasyllos’ Expedition to Ionia, (96-100). 

LUIGI PEDRONI, Un’officina monetaria romana proprio a Gubbio?, (101-105). 

FRANCISCO MURARI PIRES, The Rhetoric of Method (Thucydides 1.22 and 2.35), (106-112). 

JOHN VANDERSPOEL, Julian and the Mithraic Bull, (113-119). 

J.A.S. EVANS, The Legacy of Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall: Gibbon’s Influence on the conceptions of Late Antiquity and the Proto-Byzantine Empire, (120-133). 


Volume 13: 1999

P. V. WHEATLEY, Young Demetrius Poliorcetes, (1-13). 

DAVID BRUCE HOLLANDER, The Management of the Mint in the Late Roman Republic, (14-27). 

MATTHEW F. TRUNDLE, Identity and Community among Greek Mercenaries in the Classical World: 700-322 BCE, (28-38). 

IAN WORTHINGTON, How ‘Great’ was Alexander?, (39-55). 

DAVID WOODS, Jerome, Ep. 60.15.3: Gratian and the Walls of Lyons, (56-59). 

ALEJANDRO VALIÑO, La cerveza en las fuentes romanas: base textual y fijación de su importancia, (60-71). 

JEANNE REAMES-ZIMMERMAN, An Atypical Affair? Alexander the Great, Hephaistion Amyntoros and the Nature of their Relationship, (81-96). 

PETER GREEN, War and Morality in Fifth-Century Athens: The Case of Euripides’ Trojan Women, (97-110). 

FRANK L. HOLT, Alexander the Great Today: In the Interests of Historical Accuracy, (111-117). 

JAMES DEMONTE, Velleius Paterculus and ‘Triumphal’ Narrative, (121-135). 

IAN WORTHINGTON, Alexander and ‘the Interests of Historical Accuracy’: A Reply, (136-140). 

DAVID MACDONALD, The Cimmerian Bosporus in the Year of Revolutions, (141-150). 

WALTER SCHEIDEL, Professional Historians of Classical Antiquity in the English-Speaking World: a quantative analysis, (151-156). 

JOSEPH ROISMAN, How can an Agamemnon be an Achilles? Drama in the Athenian Courts, (157-161). 

Volume 14: 2000

MELISSA AUBIN, More Apparent than Real? Questioning the Difference in Marital Age between Christian and Non-Christian Women of Rome during the Third and Fourth Centuries, (1-13). 

JAMES DEVOTO, Dionysios and Himilkon at Gela, (14-21). 

VICTOR ALONSO, La Paideia del príncipe en el tiempo de los diadocos, (22-34). 

GEOFFREY B. GREATREX, The Background and Aftermath of the Partition of Armenia in A.D. 387, (35-48). 

FRANK L. HOLT, The Death of Coenus: Another Study in Method, (49-55). 

BORIS DREYER, Der Tod des Nikodemos von Aphidnai und die Meidias-Rede des Demosthenes, (56-63). 

BRADLEY PARKER, The Earliest Known Reference to the Ionians in the Cuneiform Sources, (69-77). 

PAT WHEATLEY, The Second Tyrian Coin in the Anadol Hoard (IGCH 866), (78-80). 

JUDITH EVANS GRUBBS, The Slave Who Avenged Her Master’s Death: Codex Justinianus 1.19.1 and 7.13.1, (81-88). 

EDMUND F. BLOEDOW, Why did Sparta rebuff the Athenians at Ithome in 462 BC?, (89-101). 

CARL JOHNSON, Ptolemy I’s Epiklesis Ʃωτήρ: Origin and Definition, (102-106). 

ANTHONY J. PAPALAS, The Parian Expedition and the Development of the Athenian Navy, (107-119). 

ANDREAS LUTHER, Die χωλὴ βασιλεία des Agesilaos, (120-129). 

MARY F. WILLIAMS, Polybius on Wealth, Bribery, and the Downfall of Constitutions, (131-148). 

STANLEY M. BURSTEIN, Prelude to Alexander: The Reign of Khababash, (149-154). 

PETER VARGYAS, Darius and Oroites, (155-161). 

PIERRE CAGNIART, Seneca’s Attitude Towards Sport and Athletics, (162-170). 

MICHAEL ZAHRNT, Dions Rückkehr aus Leontinoi, (171-179). 

Volume 15: 2001

SHERYLEE BASSETT, The Enigma of Clearchus the Spartan, (1-13). 

ROGER BLOCKLEY, Ammianus and Cicero on Truth in Historiography, (14-24). 

KAI BRODERSEN, The ‘Urban Myth’ of Euboean Cyme: A Study in Lexicographical Tradition, (25-28). 

A. JOSÉ DELGADO DELGADO, Las islas de Juno ¿hitos de la navegación fenica en el Atlántico en época arcaica?, (29-43). 

DAVID WOODS, Amandus: Rustic Rebel or Pirate Prince?, (44-49). 

GORDON SHRIMPTON, Beyond The Limits: New Thoughts on the origin and development of ancient historical writing, (50-62).

ELIZABETH CARNEY, The Trouble with Philip Arrhidaeus, (63-89). 

JAMES MOSCOVICH, Liguria: The Context of Cassius Dio fr. 25, (90-94). 

ELISABETTA PODDIGHE, Il decreto dell’isola di Nesos in onore di Tersippo: ancora una nota sulla politica greca di Poliperconte nel 319 A.C., (95-101). 

NICK FIELDS, Et ex Arcadia ego, (102-130). 

BORIMIR JORDAN, Metic Trierarchs, (131-134).

FABIO GIOVANNINI, La politica demografica di Maioriano e il mutamento sociale e culturale della seconda metà’ del V secolo, (135-142).

MARY FRANCES WILLIAMS, Shouldn’t you have come and talked to me about it? Democracy and a Mutiny in Scipio’s Army (Polyb. II.25-30), (143-153). 

LEE PATTERSON, Rome’s Relationship with Artaxias I of Armenia, (154-162). 

BERNARD KAVANAGH, The Citizenship and Nomen of Roucillus and Egus, (163-171). 

JULIÁN GALLEGO, ¿Peasant o Farmer? Definiendo a los antiguos labradores griegos, (172-185).